News from the Trails


How’s your Being going?!

How are you at Being? Sometimes I’m great…sometimes I suck. That’s the nature of growth though right?! So – Being. Sounds simple and it is.

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Taking Aligned Action

The drive of the action matters in how it feels… When we know what we want to have, and we are taking action from the

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Who are you?

Send me a DM if you’d like to answer this one or drop a comment below. I’m curious, what is your purpose? What do you

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What if you could change your life overnight? Seriously, overnight? With just a change in thinking. While it might sound far-fetched it’s true…so stay with

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Personal Development

Everyone is struggling with mindset issues of some sort (that’s their thoughts and beliefs). Don’t believe the highlight reels on IG – seriously you are

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Yes! You can change your mindset

Yes, you can change your mindset (thoughts and beliefs) and in doing so achieve your goals.  Here’s the simple three-step process: #1. Awareness.  You have

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5 Reasons you should care about your mindset Tanya, I’m doing OK, why should I care about my mindset? #1. You could be sabotaging your

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What is mindset?

You’ve heard the word on your favourite podcasts, it’s a hot topic and a buzzword – I should know it’s in the title of my

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Climbing Roys Peak

Sportlife Hack #22

Ever had a group of runners together on a rainy day? no doubt someone will pipe up with ‘At least it’s not too hot!!’ I

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