Personal Development – How-to Guide

Personal development, self-improvement – once seen as something only for those with problems, now an acknowledged pathway to success. I mean how can you live your best life without direction?

I have always been intrigued by personal development literature.  I am highly driven to understand people and why we do what we do.  It was this fascination with how we tick that lead me to study and gain my degree in psychology and education.

It’s also no secret that I’ve been through some hard times in my life, and the wealth of knowledge in self-help available through books, online and with professionals helped me overcome and grow stronger through those experiences.

Here is a basic personal development process model:

  • Identify a challenge or area for improvement and seek out the information necessary to move forward. 
  • Find what works for you.  We are all different and therefore what works for one person might not work for another.  If at first, you don’t succeed, don’t quit, find another option, I promise there is one that will work for you.
  • Enlist the help of those close to you.  Tell them what you are working on, what your plan is and how they can help.  It’s definitely easier with support, and if it is a safe supportive relationship they can help you when you miss the mark.
  • Celebrate your wins!  Perhaps write them down as a reminder of how far you’ve come, and share the celebrations with those close to you.
  • Continue the work while you identify the next challenge and move into the next cycle.  Once you have changed a behaviour and developed a good habit you can then look at the next area for growth. 

What are your top personal development tips?

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