Sportlife Hack – How to stash your stuff on your runs and missions

How to best stash your stuff when running? You may be a purist and need very little to head off on your daily run. You may also need music before you step out that door, maybe keys? If it’s cold you might want some gloves, a jacket, soft flasks, poles….. Hoollldddd up!! I thought running […]
Sportlife Hack #210 – Look after your feet

Yes! Footcare can be the make or break of your race or adventure. I have seen it happen, and it’s heartbreaking to see people DNF because their feet are wrecked and just can’t take them any further. I’ve had my fair share of messed up feet as I’ve learnt my lessons. I have a fairly […]
Sportlife Hack – Plan for your missions

You’ve decided you’re going to head out on a mission. Set yourself up for success by making sure you tick these planning boxes: Route. Do your research! Perhaps you are using a Wild Things route or a DOC route. Print out or screenshot the instructions and map (or both). Download the GPX to your watch […]
Selfcare – Hydration 101

Are you hydrating enough? And, NO! Coffee doesn’t count, it is pretty much the opposite! It doesn’t matter if you are a full-time athlete or a weekend warrior, we all need proper hydration. I wouldn’t want to try it, but it seems the body can go without food for 1-2 months. But we can only […]
Sportlife Hack – Always carry a PLB

Yes! This hack got pole position, numero uno. This could save your life. If you are new to trail running, mountaineering or generally being a bit wild you need to consider your safety at all times. Things don’t go wrong too often, but if they do a PLB could be the difference – literally – […]
Sun Protection in the Wild

Picture this. A mid 80’s summer day. Sun loungers in the backyard, ice-cold cola SodaStream (because soda stream was the best, along with Raro!). The sun is beating down, and we are applying baby oil…Yes! BABY OIL! Sun protection wasn’t a thing, and a tan was the holy grail. If I remember right, a tan […]
Sportlife Hack – Do it like a dude!

‘I can do it like a brother, do it like a dude…’ Thanks Jessie J for your inspirational words circa 2010. This was a song that I blasted at full noise while lifting weights in the gym, running hard, or sometimes while just pushing the vacuum ‘round the house. But, damn that song would wind […]
Sportlife Hack: All the ways to use a tube (buff)

So you might have seen a runner out on the trails. You notice that they are breathing hard, arms flailing, looking like they are about to pass out with the effort! 🥵 (no? just me?). Anyway, if you’ve seen a trail runner kicking around or seen their epic photos in your feed you’ve probably noticed […]
Sportlife Hack: Storing Hydration Bottles

So you’ve got a collection of soft flasks and bladders and you want a quick hassle-free way to keep them mould free? 🧪🙅 It’s so super easy, when you’re back from your run, give them a wash…and then just throw them in the freezer! When you need them next, grab them out, and you’re good […]
Selfcare: Nutrition

If you’ve followed me for long enough you’ll have seen me go through some stuff with my health. In 2019/2020 I had multiple IV iron infusions because the diet I was following was not sufficient to nourish my body. I doggedly continued that diet, which led me to complete exhaustion while I pushed my body […]
Sportlife Hack: Nalgene Bottles

Nalgene, where have you been all my life! ? How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. 💘 1. You are the most amazing tramping hot water bottle. Snuggling down in a snow cave, my body wrapped around my toasty Nalgene bottle, I was in heaven. 🔥 … aannddd so… honestly, I got […]
Sportlife Hack: Poles

Jack and Jill went up the hill…to drag my sorry arse up to the top! Meet Jack and Jill, my running/walking/hiking poles. Why Jack and Jill? It was a moment of delirium as I was desperately working my way to the top of a 90-degree hill (that may be an exaggeration, but it sure felt […]