Celebrating wins

Revel… That’s the new word that I’ve added to my to-do list! 

If you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know I love words. Intentional, audacious…I love the way words make me feel, a good word also seems to feel good to say and I think when a word resonates it has power. 

So why revel? A couple of weeks ago I got asked by my (life) coach what I do to celebrate my wins. I took a moment, and honestly was a little stumped.

My other type A’s will maybe know the feeling?

I do the thing, then I get on with the next thing! 

So, I get that adding revel to my list seems kinda ironic… But I needed reminding! 

Last week I gave a keynote talk in front of a theatre full of people. I had spent many weeks, prepping, practising, and getting ready for it… And it was a great success. 

So revel, went onto my list – because I did a big thing, and this time I wanted to make sure I acknowledged the time, effort, and feeling that went into the work and gave myself a pat on the back for a job well done! 

… Revel won’t be ticked off, by the way, it’s a daily practice of appreciating all the work I do on a daily basis the big and the small. 

I’d love to know what word would be on your list to remind you to celebrate? 

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