Recovery from the “Not So Normal”!

Post disclosure. I’m an excitable writer. My brain dumps words onto a page and the result might be a wee bit ‘wordy’ sometimes. Some of you will lap it up, others are trying to sneak reading this blog when your boss thinks your working. So, for those people I’ve treated you to a summary at […]

You inspire Me…I’ll inspire You!

Soooo, I have to admit a shit storm of bad decisions on a run week before last, left me with a foot injury that we haven’t quite been able to definitively diagnose. We hope it will hold out for the race, but I know it’s likely to hurt!.  It’s a scary place to be, that […]

The Elephant in the room

Tanya running the beach while training for an Ultra Marathon

It’s hard, it’s uncomfortable, but it’s necessary. Over the last couple of months since sharing my story, I’ve had a number of conversations about domestic violence. While talking about it has been cathartic, and has put some distance between myself and my experience, it has also really opened my eyes. Questions have come up: Was […]

Niggles, niggles, niggles…and is this pain all in my brain??

You know the feeling….It’s a few weeks out from race day, you’re feeling pretty good.   You’ve put in the work…but always feel like you could have done more.You’ve got your gear prepped…nothing new on race day right…right??You’ve checked out the race profile…or not, because who needs to know when the suffering will happen? eekkk!You’ve paid […]

Running short, overcoming over-training and wise words from the Coach

Ahem, yes, hello. My name is Tanya and I’m a running addict and chronic over-trainer. It’s been three months since I dug myself out of an overtraining hole, and I am grateful to my Coach for keeping me on the straight and narrow! Sound familiar anyone?? come ooonnnn, I know we’d make a brightly coloured, […]

The start of a running road trip, racing and back to back training

What a great week it’s been! The start of the week began pretty low key with my first walk programmed into my training!  I felt a little like I was cheating and spontaneously broke into little moments of running, (forgive me coach), but who else has trouble slowing down!? The walk was good though, and […]

Tapering, surgery, and inside our running home!

The taper is on for WUU2K next weekend! It feels like AGES since I’ve run a race when in reality it’s ONLY been 7 weeks (who else feels like this, it feels like an eternity when it’s only been weeks?!) 😀  My new training program is going well though and I’m feeling well rested, well […]

Running in a winter wonderland

I’m taking a break from my “this week is brought to you by the letter ‘X’ blog, as I’ve had a tune running around my brain all week that I just had to share!  I am prone to breaking into song at the mention of words that trigger a song (own up, I know I’m […]

What it means to me to run happy, limitless and free

Running to raise awareness of domestic violence.  I’m not sure which has been harder, putting down on paper the true depths of the reasons behind my ‘running why’, or then sharing those depths of ‘me’ with the rest of the connected world, but here it goes…  So, in taking on this challenge, I had to […]

Colds, Consolidation, Community…and a Confession about Cows!

So, it seems those satisfying snot-rockets of last week were a tell-tale sign of a less than satisfying cold to come!  I was relegated to the couch with a box of tissues and a bottle of hand-sanitizer to wait out the germs and rest-up. Thank God for Netflix and stretching and strengthening exercises, as I […]

Stairs, sweat, smiles and sleepless nights.

It would seem that this week has been brought to you by the letter ‘S’, so let’s add snot-rockets as well, as there was a fair few of them! 😀 I was travelling for work and family this week, so spent the first week of my new Running Hot training program away from the comfort […]

The Challenge

What? I’m taking on the epic mission to be the first woman to complete the Thir Southern Seasons 100 Miler Challenge. – Four 100 mile trail running races in 12 months  – Minimum of 24 hours running in each race – An extreme test of human endurance and spirit Why?   As I take on this […]

Facing life’s challenges

Sitting through uncertainty is the hardest thing, and this week I found myself wishing life was as simple as running.  When I’m running, I know that all I have to do is just keep taking the next step.  Whatever challenges, highs or lows come my way I know that they will pass and that I […]

Does it get Easier?

So it seems I was under some misguided impression that as I got better at running the running would get easier… But it doesn’t seem too! ? Today I realised that maybe it won’t get easier but I’ll just get better at it. Yeah, yeah you’d think I would have twigged to this one earlier.. But […]

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