What if you could change your life overnight? Seriously, overnight? With just a change in thinking. While it might sound far-fetched it’s true…so stay with me to find out how. But first, the two components: Your beliefs about yourself, others and the world are a lens through which you filter EVERYTHING, seriously, everything! Why do […]

Everyone is struggling with mindset issues of some sort (that’s their thoughts and beliefs). Don’t believe the highlight reels on IG – seriously you are not alone, people just don’t talk about it. Your mindset (thoughts and beliefs) is everything when it comes to success and achieving your goals. Here are 4 steps to BREAKTHROUGH […]

Yes, you can change your mindset (thoughts and beliefs) and in doing so achieve your goals. Here’s the simple three-step process: #1. Awareness. You have to know what your mindset is first before you can change it. What stories are running in your head, what beliefs are lurking below the surface, what thoughts are playing […]

5 Reasons you should care about your mindset Tanya, I’m doing OK, why should I care about my mindset? #1. You could be sabotaging your own success. Much of your mindset is subconscious – in fact only 5% of your behaviour is driven by your conscious mind. Those old patterns of thoughts, beliefs, those habitual […]