If you allow yourself to believe that simply by being human, you’re the ultimate adaptation machine, you can make a demand of yourself to grow and get better – Tom Bilyeu, Fearless Motivation
For me, challenges are a way to grow, learn, push my boundaries and inspire others to do the same. Check out my challenges, past, present and future.
The Southern Seasons Miler Challenge is a challenge to complete the four great southern 100 mile trail races in a 12 month period.
My journey for the challenge began in May 2019 when I set out to be the first women to complete the challenge.
I completed 3 of the four races and arrived in Wanaka for the final race in March 2020 only to have the race cancelled by COVID-19.
It was a blow to have the challenge incomplete due to circumstances outside my control – however I finished the challenge in March 2021 with the brutal Northburn 100.
It was a crazy journey of physical and mental discovery that you can read about over in my blogs. Throughout this journey I am most proud of the work that was done to advocate for domestic violence awareness.
Consult not your fears, but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.” – Pope John XXIII
Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t. – Unknown.
An exciting first attempt to traverse the South Island from coast to coast, following the circle of latitude that is 45° south of the Earth’s equator. From the rugged, untouched west…to the penguin colonies of the east…and everything in between.
I hiked, climbed, paddled, and cycled, this human-powered epic journey of over 600km – all the while being filmed for an adventure empowerment film aimed at inspiring women around the world to dream big.
This extraordinary adventure saw me take the road less travelled and blaze a trail of my own making – with a map, compass, and a dream.
My first film ‘Peak of Possibility’ has inspired and changed lives around the world, and this second film aims to build on that.
The things that excite you are not random, they are grounded in your purpose. Follow them. – Unknown
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